To ensure all developed functionality works as intended, tests have been implemented.
Substrate Test
Mock Runtime
Pallet test depend on substrate Runtime. To be able to run these pallet test, first we must construct a mock Runtime environment. Mocks for runtime are constructed for each pallet separately and are located in their respective /src/ folder.
Writing tests
Tests are functions, annotated with the #[test] macro. To test specific functionality, we use assert macros to match our expectations with the expected result. There are already several predefine assert macros such as:
- assert_eq!
- assert_ok!
- assert_noop!
For more information on how to create tests, refer to the following link.
Run tests
To run test each pallet, simply navigate to the pallets
folder in the universal-dot-node repository and run the following command:
cargo test
To run benchmark tests for each pallet, simply run at pallet root:
cargo test --features runtime-benchmarks
Cypress Testing